Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 4 continue

A setback. Totally overslept today. I was hoping the restful feeling I was experiencing was this experiment to FINALLY be working, but then I rolled over and looked at the clock to see it was 1pm already, 2 hours past when I was supposed to wake up. I cannot tell you how frustrating this is. Most of what I went through this weekend was pretty much for nothing, since now my body is all off schedule. I have several options now. Start my experiment again, which will add even more days onto my body being acclimated to the cycle, start a new schedule that is less intenseness but will have some desired results, or quit...

 I don't want to quite, having experience the worst part of this experiment and not getting any great results is really bumming me out. I then realized as I stopped seething in rage this afternoon, is that I'm in no rush. I probably should have started slow on this whole project. My ultimate goal isn't to get to the Uberman Cycle of only six 20 minute naps a day. I just wanted to have more time in the day, and start feeling better health wise. All this pressure on my self and added stress is NOT making me feel better. So I'm going to dial it down a few notches and start light. Here is what my new schedule is going to look like:

--7:30am to 12 pm will be my first core nap: Most sites recomend sleeping in 1.5 hour intervals if you choose to sleep in large chunks.

--5:30pm to 6pm: Time for second nap. Time will be closer to when I go to work, so hopefully it will help me not be sleepy when I first get there.

--1am to 1:30am: Time for the third and final nap of the night.

Hopefully, if i get used to this schedule i can ween myself down to 3 hour core nap again and adda fourth nap time. hopefully this will be less brutal...

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