I'm into the part of the experiment where bloggers describe feeling like "being ran over by a truck" or being in a zombie haze. I feel OK for the most part, until I have to wake up from a nap. My friend just said I sounded drunk and I was slurring my words when I woke up from my first night nap. I feel pretty crappy until I get some sort of caffeine in me and about an hour goes by. I really hope I can start to see some sort of light at the end of the tunnel, because the incentive to keep this up is getting less and less after each nap goes by.
Today went by a little better than Saturday, I had some activities to take up my time like checking out some doggies, going to see Kick Ass and playing some video games at Landon's. The day still felt long but not as bad. It i nice to do so much stuff with friends and not regret staying in my room all day having slept a majority of it... although sleeping for 12 hours sounds so good right now.... I'm off to make some more instant coffee to keep such thoughts at bay...
the Milk Teef know how to enjoy a good cup of coffee
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