Saturday, April 24, 2010

Day 2

Like my 4th nap of Day 1, I had a really hard time falling asleep for my core nap today. Then about 2 hours in the gardner started working next door so I had to scramble to get my head phones and eye mask on and I fell back asleep without much problem. I'm just worried about not getting a full 3 hour core nap, but I guess thats what happens when I have my core nap be in the mid morning...

I'm really feeling the sleep depravation this afternoon. I'm tired like before but I feel really heavy and hazy. I was reading some other polyphasic sleeper blogs and most of the side effects are normal and what I'm used to but an interesting one that caught my eye was the feeling of being cold. One guy mentioned he felt a lot colder all the time and thought it might be due to his metabolism working faster now that he was eating more often. I noticed from last night to now I have been feeling pretty cold, I don't know if this is an actual symptom or if I'm just cold from the cool weather outside :-P

It's taking me forever to write this post, I have spaced out like 3 times, my grammar and spelling might be way off, sorry about that! I just need to get past this daytime waiting period. The ultimate reason why I'm doing this is so I can have more hours during the day to do stuff, but until I'm used to this cycle, the daylight hours are the hardest to get through and I'm pretty useless during them. Time to play ZELDA!!!

1 comment:

  1. i'm impressed you've even made it two days! stay strong i can't wait to see how you feel once you're used to it.
