Wednesday, April 28, 2010

End of Attempt #1 and Hiatus

Hello to whoever is reading this,

Well I had another major setback today, I fell asleep for over an hour way before my scheduled nap. I feel way worse than before. I came to the decision to put the experiment on hold for a few days, so I can catch up, re-group and come back at it strong. I know a lot more now and I think if I take these few days to rest and plan out not only a sleeping schedule, but an eating and workout schedule as well, things might go a bit smoother.

I still plan on taking the two small naps at the scheduled times of 5:50pm and 2:15am in hopes my body will still get used to sleeping at those times. But I am going to allow myself to sleep 7 to 8 hours after I get home from work. I would like to start the schedule again on Saturday, give myself the weekend again to take on the worst part.

I feel frustrated hitting so many road blocks, but I really don't want to give up!


  1. the most important thing is that you take care of yourself health wise. i think when you take up this experiment again it will be important to incooperate exercise and diet.
